Local Involvement

National Voter Corps connects potential volunteers to nonpartisan organizations looking for help with their voter programs. Check out  National Involvement for additional groups. You can increase voter rights and civic participation in many ways, such as:

    • help people obtain voter IDs
    • help every eligible citizen register to vote
    • help get out the vote during elections
    • make it easier for voters to gain access to their polling places
    • conduct voter education campaigns
    • support honest elections as a poll worker; visit Power the Polls to find out more.

Laws Enacted in 2023 and Jan-Apr 2024. *



Restrict and Expand

Promote Interference

No Changes

Click on any state or D.C. to find organizations working for voting rights.

Map Sources: Brennan Center’s Voting Laws Roundup of May 2024 and 2023 in Review.

The 2013 Shelby decision, which gutted the Voting Rights Act of 1965, has created a tidal wave of laws restricting voting rights and allowing elected officials to interfere with election procedures. With political gerrymandering confirmed legal by the US Supreme Court (Rucho v Common Cause, 2019), politicians can freely draw districts in their favor. The Brennan Center’s Voting Laws Roundup of May 2024 and 2023 in Review detail laws restricting voting rights and promoting election interference from late 2022 through April 2024.* While many states passed expansive laws, restrictive laws and new election rules have had far greater impact on voting rights. Rights we have taken for granted need to be defended, restored and secured.

*Our 50-State Map uses several colors to indicate the complexity of the voting law landscape. One simplification we chose is for election interference laws to take precedence over all other types. And because we believe interfering with elections is so threatening to democracy, we have included all states which the Brennan Center indicates have been passed since 2013. (Brennan Center Voting Laws Roundup May 2024, footnote #9.)

Other ways to promote voter rights:

    • Contact info@nationalvotercorps.org to add your organization to our map.
    • Become more educated on issues, legislation and elections at all levels of government at sites such as Ballotpedia.
    • Sign up to get notices about events and time-critical phone bank or voter transportation efforts.